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Products: AS-P Smoke Control
Functionalities: Smoke Control
Product version: 2024

Introduction to this Manual

arrow1_rotationUL 864 Listing arrow1_rotationAbbreviations arrow1_rotationSmoke Control Term Definitions arrow1_rotationTypographical Conventions

This manual is intended for use by qualified, authorized engineers and technicians who are responsible for meeting a UL 864 project specification. The specification, created by the smoke control system designer, should have already considered the selected mechanical equipment design. Proper duct sizing and layout, motor/blower selection, and damper selection must be completed by the smoke control system designer to provide the planned smoke control pressurization under all possible expected environmental (for example, wind and weather) and building (such as door, elevator hoistway, leakage, system response, stairwell, and occupied mode) conditions.

The manual's purpose is to provide the fundamentals for the controls engineer and technicians to meet properly designed UL 864 smoke control specifications.

The manual does not provide guidelines for mechanical system selection and design. Recognized smoke pressurization program models are available for this purpose.

The manual also does not cover all installation and wiring requirements for the BACnet controllers. It must be used along with applicable controller installation instructions.

UL 864 Listing

According to Underwriters Laboratories, UL 864 is a category that has been established for Smoke Control System Equipment. Additionally, according to Underwriters Laboratories (UL), smoke control equipment is assigned one or more of the following attributes:

  • Operation

    • Manual– Activation of the smoke control system occurs as a result of the intervention of an authorized person.

    • Automatic– Activation of the smoke control system occurs as a result of an alarm condition from a fire detection device, such as a smoke detector or a heat detector, or fire alarm control unit.

  • Type

    • Non-dedicated– A system which provides the building HVAC function under normal conditions and provides a smoke control objective during a fire alarm condition.

    • Dedicated– A system which is normally inactive and is used exclusively for the purpose of smoke control.

  • Use

    • Stairwell– Configuration of equipment which provides pressurizing of stairwells for the purpose of maintaining a tenable environment for building egress.

    • Zoned Smoke Control– A configuration which provides the exhausting of the smoke area and pressurization of all other contiguous areas of the building.

The design of an overall smoke control system is a complete system engineered to the particular installation. The interconnection of the smoke control equipment to the HVAC and other equipment is intended to be in accordance with the specific system installation diagrams generated by the party responsible for system compliance and operation.

As a UL Smoke Control Equipment Listee, Schneider Electric and its associated field/partner offices do not design the smoke control system. Rather, the field/partner office works closely with the smoke control system designer to develop the interface between the controls and equipment supplied by Schneider Electric and the mechanical equipment that provides smoke control pressurization. The field/partner office then generates the control system installation diagrams based on the total smoke control system design.


The following abbreviations are used in this guide.




Americans for Disabilities Act


Automation Displays, Inc.


Authority Having Jurisdiction


Air Handling Unit


Analog Input


Analog Output




Automation Server (Smoke Control Server)

AS-P (Smoke Control Server)

AS-P-No LonWorks-Secure Boot (Smoke Control Server)


Building Automation and Control Network


Category Code Number (UL)


Cubic Feet per Minute


Digital Input


Digital Output


Ethernet Interconnect Switch


Electromagnetic Interference


End of Line (Termination)


Enterprise Server


Fire Alarm Panel


Firefighter’s Smoke Control Station


Hand Off Auto


Heating-Ventilating-Air Conditioning




Internet Protocol


Information Technology Equipment




Local Area Network


Light Emitting Diode


Master Slave Token Passing


National Electric Code


National Fire Protection Association


Normally Open




Outside Air


Resistance Temperature Device (sensor)


Universal Input


Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.


Universal Serial Bus


Variable Air Volume


Voltage Output

Smoke Control Term Definitions

The following terms related to smoke control are found in the NFPA 92, Standard for Smoke Control systems.

Area of Refuge

An area of the building separated from other spaces by fire-rated smoke barriers in which a tenable environment is maintained for the period of time that such areas may need to be occupied at time of fire.

Authority Having Jurisdiction

The organization, office, or individual responsible for approving equipment, materials, an installation, or a procedure.

End Process Verification

A method that provides positive confirmation that the desired result (for example, airflow and damper position) has been achieved when a controlled device has been activated. Typically, this would occur during smoke control, testing, or manual override operations where failure or cessation of such positive confirmation results in an off-normal indication.

Firefighter’s Smoke Control Station

A system that provides graphical monitoring and manual overriding capability over smoke control systems and equipment at designated location(s) within the building for fire department use.

Positive/ Negative Pressurization

The desired pressure difference between the protected space and an adjacent space measured at the boundary of the protected space. This measurement is done under a specified set of conditions with the smoke control system operating.

Smoke Barrier

A continuous membrane, either vertical or horizontal, such as a wall, floor, or ceiling assembly, which is designed and constructed to restrict the movement of smoke.

Smoke Control Mode

A predefined, operational system or device configuration for smoke control purposes.

Smoke Control System

An engineered system that uses mechanical fans to produce pressure differences across smoke barriers to inhibit smoke movement.

Smoke Control Zone

A space within a building enclosed by smoke barriers, including the top and bottom, which is part of a zoned smoke control system.

Smoke Exhaust System

A mechanical or gravity system intended to move smoke from the smoke zone to the exterior of the building. This includes smoke removal, purging, and ventilating systems, as well as using the exhaust fan function to reduce pressure in a smoke zone.

Smoke Zone

The smoke control zone in which the fire is located.

Stairwell Pressurization System

A type of smoke control system in which stair shafts are mechanically pressurized, with respect to the fire area, with outdoor air to keep smoke from contaminating them during a fire event.

Tenable Environment

An environment in which smoke and heat is limited or otherwise restricted to maintain the impact on occupants to a non-life threatening level.

Zoned Smoke Control System

A smoke control system that includes smoke exhaust for the smoke zone and pressurization for all contiguous smoke control zones.

Typographical Conventions

The smoke control system design guide use the following specially marked texts:


Helps you understand the benefits and capabilities of the product.


Provides you with supplementary information.


Alerts you to supplementary information that is essential to the completion of a task.


Loss of data

Alerts you to a condition that can cause loss of data.

Failure to follow these instructions can result in loss of data.

Warning Warning

Unintended equipment operation

Alerts you to a condition that can cause product damage or physical harm.

Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or equipment damage.

  • Fundamentals of Smoke Control
  • EcoStruxure BMS Hardware Overview
  • Smoke Control Operational Overview
  • EcoStruxure BMS Smoke Control for BACnet MS/TP
  • FSCS Basics
  • Smoke Control System Restrictions