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How to

How to

Products: Commission, IP-IO , MP-C, MP-V, RP-C
Functionalities: Engineering, BACnet/IP devices
Product version: 2022, 2023, 2024, 7.0

Configuring Relay 10 Module Inputs and Outputs in the Commission Mobile Application

When the Relay 10 module is configured on the RP-C, you can log into the Commission mobile application and configure the following inputs and outputs:

  • Digital inputs

  • Relay outputs

  • Blind outputs

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The Relay 10 (CRS-HH-REL-10) module connects to RP-C room controllers and provides light and blind control. It is included in the Connected Room Solution for Hotels and is specially designed for hotel guest room applications.

Its extensive architecture supports a wide range of modular components comprised of temperature, light and blind control interfaces, bedside panels, sensors, and thermostats. The Relay 10 module also supports a wide range of HMIs such as the following:

  • Mechanical switches

  • Modbus and KNX glass touch panels

  • KNX pushbuttons

With the Commission mobile application, you can also obtain the latest wireless capabilities for commissioning and the open protocols to interface with industry standard IoT devices. For more information, see CRS-HH-REL-10 .

Inputs and Outputs

The Relay 10 module provides 10 digital outputs (high power relay outputs) and 12 digital inputs. It also supports up to ten relays for on and off lighting control. One relay object acquires one physical relay output through a terminal reference.

In addition, it supports up to five blind objects that acquire two consecutive physical relay outputs through one main terminal reference and one subordinate reference (like a tristate). You can mix any set of blinds and relays. However, EcoStruxure Building Operation ensures that the same output is only claimed once.

The accompanying graphic shows the Relay 10 module input and outputs, blind, and relay objects in the System Tree. Notice that the Relay 10 module groups the inputs and outputs in a Terminal folder in order to cleanly separate the IO from the relay and blind objects that you can create in the module. In addition, the digital outputs (DOs) in the Relay 10 module differ from those in the Application folder in the controller and cannot be viewed from that folder. The reason for this is that the DOs in the Relay 10 module require configuration information that a regular DO does not provide.

action_zoom_plus_stroke Relay 10 module in the System Tree
Figure: Relay 10 module in the System Tree

Blind Object

The Relay 10 module blind object does not include a module ID. Instead, it includes two terminal references with the second terminal reference hidden and assigned automatically by the EcoStruxure BMS. The terminal references claim the outputs and ensure that the EcoStruxure BMS enforces that the same output is not utilized by more than one object. Because there is no Module ID in the blind object, the terminal reference specifies which Modbus object the blind represents.

action_zoom_plus_stroke Relay 10 module blind object
Figure: Relay 10 module blind object

The secondary terminal is allocated, internally by the software. It is grouped with the terminal that immediately precedes it in order to control the blind position and angle.

The first terminal is in the up position, while the second one is in the down position.

Slat angle control takes place in the hardware after a position is reached by moving backwards for a short time. 

For more information, see Relay 10 Module Blind Configuration .

For more information, see Configuring Blinds in RP Controller Expansion Relay 10 Modules .

If you have a slow start motor in your low voltage blind, the Startup time and Startup speed properties are pre-configured. If you do not have a slow start motor, you must configure 0 as the Startup time and 100 as the Startup speed. The high voltage blind does not include a slow start motor, so the values are already set to 0 (for the Startup time) and 100 (for the Startup speed).

Relay Object

Like the blind object, the Relay 10 module relay object has no Module ID. As a result, the Modbus object is identified by a new terminal reference. Because the relay object only claims one output, there is no question which Modbus object a certain terminal identifies.

For more information, see Configuring Relays in RP Controller Expansion Relay 10 Modules .

action_zoom_plus_stroke Relay 10 module relay object
Figure: Relay 10 module relay object

To configure Relay 10 module inputs and output on the Commission mobile application
  1. In the Commission mobile application, connect to the BACnet/IP controller.

  2. On the tab bar, click Commission .

  3. Click I/O Checkout .

  4. On the I/O Resources page, click Room Bus .

  5. Click Relay 10 module .

  6. On the Relay 10 module page, there are three options: Digital Inputs , Relay Output s , and Blind Outputs .

  7. Click Digital Inputs to go to the traditional input checkout function where you can validate inputs.

    For more information, see Performing I/O Checkout .

    Check out inputs from 1 up to 5 at a time.

  8. Click the Back arrow to return to the Relay 10 module page.

  9. Click Relay Outputs to go to the traditional output checkout function where you can validate digital outputs or relays.

    For more information, see Performing I/O Checkout .

  10. Click the Back arrow to return to the Relay 10 module page.

  11. Click Blind outputs to go to the blind output checkout function where you can Calibrate , Test Blind Outputs or Advanced Configuration .


    If the blind you are calibrating is wired backwards, or the endstop is at the down position, configure the appropriate setting in the Relay 10 module blind configuration menu.

    For more information, see Configuring Blinds in RP Controller Expansion Relay 10 Modules .

  12. Perform blind calibration and testing in the same way as you did with SMI LV/HV blind modules.

    With the calibration, be sure to execute the first 3 steps of the calibration wizard.

    For more information, see Calibrating a High or Low Voltage Blind Power Module .

  13. Test the blind outputs after you finish the calibration.

    For more information, see Testing SMI Blind Outputs .

  • Performing I/O Checkout
  • Calibrating a High or Low Voltage Blind Power Module
  • Testing SMI Blind Outputs
  • Configuring Blinds in RP Controller Expansion Relay 10 Modules