The I/O modules have the following status indicator LEDs on the front of the module:
I/O Module Status LED
I/O Channel Status LEDs
Each I/O module contains a green/red Status LED that indicates the status of the I/O module in relationship to the SmartStruxure server device. The LED is labeled Status and is located on the lower right side of the I/O Module placard.
There are several LED patterns for the I/O module status LED. 有关更多信息,请参阅 Status LEDs .
Each digital input (DI) channel, digital output (DO) channel, and Universal Input (UI) channel contains a green I/O channel status LED. This LED indicates the On/Off state of the digital input or output.
You can also configure I/O channel status LEDs as an invert, so that either a HIGH or LOW voltage level can turn the LED ON.
For Universal Inputs, the I/O Channel Status LED is active only if the channel is configured as a digital input or as a counter input.