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产品: AS-B, Edge Server, Enterprise Central, Enterprise Server, AS-P, Project Configuration Tool
功能: 基本功能
产品版本: 2024, 7.0

Displaying the Retain Level in a Search Result

You display the retain level in a search result when you want to check that you have configured the retain level of a device correctly.

To display the retain level in a search result
  1. In WorkStation, on the WorkStation Toolbar, click the Search button


  2. In Search view, in the Object name box, enter the name of the object to search for.

  3. In the In folder box, enter the path to the folder or container object you want to search.

  4. Select Search for properties .

  5. Enter a property name.

  6. In the Include types box, enter the type you want to search for if you want to narrow the search to specific object types.

  7. Click the Search icon


  8. In the search result List View, right-click the column heading row and then click Add/Remove columns .

  9. In the Add/Remove Columns dialog box, select Property retain level .

  10. Click OK .

  • Search
  • Retain Level
  • Search View
  • WorkStation Toolbar
  • Add/Remove Columns Dialog Box (Search)