You change the filter conditions to narrow what is displayed in the Alarms pane, Events pane, Alarm View, or Event View.
When you do not need to reuse the changes made to the filter conditions, you temporarily change the user filter. In this case, the changes are no longer available when you close the pane or View or log off.
If you want to save the changes made to the filter conditions, you can save the user filter as a favorite before closing the pane or View and before logging off. Więcej informacji zawiera Favorites .
You can add or remove information fields in the Alarm View and Event View in WebStation. The fields in WebStation display alarm and event information. For example, if you want to see the last comment of the alarms and who acknowledged the alarms you can add the field Last comments and Acknowledge by.
You can sort alarms and events in the Alarm View and Event View in WebStation. The sorting can be done ascending or descending. You don’t have to add the field that you sort on. For example, you can sort the alarms by priority without adding the priority field.
The sorting and adding of fields can be saved as a Favorite in WebStation. Więcej informacji zawiera Favorites .