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Products: AS-P Smoke Control, Automation Server Smoke Control
Functionalities: Smoke Control
Product version: 3.0

EcoStruxure BMS Overview

EcoStruxure Building Operation refers to the system software components such as the WorkStation, Enterprise Server, Reports Server and WebStation. WorkStation provides a fully featured environment for operating and administering all aspects of the system.


WorkStation is the window that allows you to monitor your energy usage and continuously improve your building’s efficiency. It is also the interface where users and engineers access their EcoStruxure BMS servers. You can view and manage graphics, alarms, schedules, trend logs, and reports. Engineers can configure and maintain all aspects of an EcoStruxure BMS. The EcoStruxure BMS requires each user to have an account. The account governs what portions of the system the user can access and change.

EcoStruxure BMS is an integrated solution for building management that combines environmental control, energy management and security applications. You can customize the system for any building management application including small office buildings, skyscrapers, office and school campuses, buildings with specialized environmental control requirements, and remote sites. You can configure and manage the system from EcoStruxure Building Operation WorkStation.

WorkStations run the EcoStruxure Building Operation software to monitor, control, and report on all aspects of the building management system. You can link workstations together and to the Automation Servers or AS-P servers on the Ethernet network.

EcoStruxure Building Operation Software

The EcoStruxure Building Operation software is an open architecture platform operating in the Windows PC environment. It provides a friendly, comprehensive, and customizable set of tools that control and monitor the facility management system through Ethernet, RS-485, and BACnet MS/TP networks. The software includes a graphics editing for creating customized graphical displays to provide easily interpreted presentations of the facility monitoring information and accommodate central management and control of the facility equipment.


While the term EcoStruxure BMS refers to the whole system, be aware that Workstation, Enterprise Server, Report Server or WebStation do not participate in executing smoke control applications. These EcoStruxure Building Operation products do not help transport smoke control communications or play any role in operating the smoke control application defined in the Smoke Control Servers and other field controllers.

WorkStations monitor and manage systems operation including the supplemental monitoring and reporting of information from the smoke control applications. After engineering and programming the smoke control applications within the Automation Servers, AS-P servers and field controllers, the EcoStruxure BMS provides password restricted access to the controllers responsible for running smoke control applications.

While the EcoStruxure BMS components assist in setting up and configuring the smoke control system, they do not participate in executing that system. In other words, the smoke control system operates as defined with or without the presence of EcoStruxure Building Operation components. Upon notification of a system or equipment fault on the Firefighter's Smoke Control Station (FSCS) (and supplemental notification on the workstation), fault diagnosis and resolution are greatly assisted by the EcoStruxure BMS components.

Enterprise Server

Optionally, the EcoStruxure BMS smoke control system can have an Enterprise Server connected on one of the Ethernet network (EIS ports). The Enterprise Server provides full capabilities to the system components and controllers operating operating outside of the smoke control application. The Enterprise Server facilitates the collection of information from multiple Smoke Control Servers to selected workstations. You can use the server during the system programming and configuration phases to facilitate function setup, such as binding signals between Automation Servers or AS-P servers. After commissioning the system, you must not use the Enterprise Server when operating the smoke control system. Instead, the smoke control system must perform all of its defined operations with or without the Enterprise Server.

  • EcoStruxure BMS Hardware Overview
  • MS/TP BACnet Field Controllers
  • Infinet i2 Series Field Controllers
  • Infinet i2 Network Accessories
  • MS/TP Network Accessories
  • Transformers
  • FSCS Basics
  • Fundamentals of Smoke Control