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Products: AS-P Smoke Control, Automation Server Smoke Control, IP-IO Smoke Control, MP-C Smoke Control, MP-V Smoke Control
Functionalities: Smoke Control
Product version: 2024

FSCS and FAP Introduction

The Firefighter’s Smoke Control Station (FSCS) is a custom-designed control and display panel tailored for each specific project. The FSCS panel provides the ability to observe the current state of all of the equipment in the smoke control system. The panel allows authorized users to override the On/Off or Open/Closed state of the system equipment. The FSCS design is unique to each project with its objective being to present a graphic presentation of the location and function of the various system elements. LED indicators are positioned on or next to equipment images and illuminate to show the current equipment state. A fault LED illuminates if the equipment fails to achieve the state directed by the automated smoke response or the override from the FSCS panel. Switches positioned on the panel next to the applicable equipment images are used to override the current state (such as open or close a damper, or direct a fan to run or stop).

action_zoom_plus_stroke Sample FSCS Panel
Figure: Sample FSCS Panel

The FSCS panel provides full monitoring and manual control of all smoke control equipment at a facility. In the event of an emergency, the fire department uses the FSCS panel to override the smoke control system.

The FSCS should present a building and equipment diagram that clearly indicates the type and location of all smoke control equipment and the areas served by the equipment, known as smoke control zones. Since the FSCS uses a graphical depiction of the building, each one is unique and is custom-manufactured for the target building project. The FSCS should show major ducts, the direction of air flow and how the ducts are connected together with the equipment used in the smoke control system. If the graphic is too large to fit on a single panel, you may use multiple panels.

The panel should provide a positive status indication (ON and OFF) individually or by zone for all dedicated smoke system fans. It should also provide a status indication for all nondedicated fans used for smoke control that have a capacity in excess of 2000 CFM.

The FSCS panels approved for use with the EcoStruxure BMS smoke control system are manufactured by Automation Displays, Inc. For more information, see FSCS Basics .

Fire Alarm Panel

During normal smoke control system operation, the FSCS controls are inactive and the non-dedicated equipment follows the HVAC system direction for comfort control. The dedicated equipment is also held in the idle/off condition. One of the primary, smoke control system functions is to provide an automated response to a fire. The facility's Fire Alarm Panel (FAP) provides the smoke control system with a signal when an alarm is activated.

The smoke control system should be configured to provide an automated control response to the initial alarm from the FAP. The FAP used with the smoke control system must be UL 864 listed. There are two authorized methods for connecting the FAP to the smoke control system.

  • Hardwire FAP Alarm contact outputs to the EcoStruxure BMS for Building Operation inputs

  • Communicate with the FAP via the BACnet/IP protocol interface

For more information, see Smoke Control Operational Overview .

  • Fundamentals of Smoke Control
  • FSCS Basics
  • Smoke Control Operational Overview
  • EcoStruxure BMS Smoke Control for BACnet MS/TP