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Explicación de procesos

Explicación de procesos

Productos AS-L, AS-B, Enterprise Central, Enterprise Server, AS-P, Project Configuration Tool
Funcionalidades: Funcionalidad básica, Seguridad
Versión del producto: 2.0, 2.1, 3.0, 3.1

Editing a File Extension on the Permitted File Extensions List 

You edit a file extension on the Permitted File Extensions list to make it possible for users in the EcoStruxure Building Operation software to open, save, and import files with a certain extension.

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You can increase the security in your system by configuring the document policy. The document policy controls which file types a user can open, save, and import.

You configure the document policy by determining the permitted file extensions for the EcoStruxure BMS. A user cannot open, save, or import files with file extensions that are not on the list. A user can save a file without any file extension.

A user who browses the system to create or edit a document object can only see files with permitted file extensions and files without any file extension.

By default, the list of permitted file extensions contains the following file extensions:

  • avi

  • dfx

  • doc

  • docx

  • dwg

  • gif

  • htm

  • html

  • jpg

  • mp4

  • mpg

  • odt

  • pdf

  • png

  • rtf

  • txt

  • xls

  • xlsx

The permitted file extensions list configuration on an Enterprise Server is distributed to all SmartX servers in the EcoStruxure BMS.

You can add file extensions to, and delete file extensions from, the permitted file extensions list. If you have configured the list, it is preserved when you upgrade the EcoStruxure BMS.

If a file extension is not on the permitted file extensions list and a user performs a restore operation, the operation succeeds and the document object is restored, but it is no longer possible to open the document file. If the document file extension is added to the permitted file extensions list, it is possible to open and save the restored document file.

If you upgrade an older EcoStruxure BMS without a document policy, the upgraded system gets the default document policy.

To edit file extensions on the Permitted File Extensions list
  1. In WorkStation, in the System Tree pane, select the EcoStruxure BMS server you want to configure.

  2. Click the Control Panel tab.

  3. Under Security and Communication , click Document Policy .

  4. On the Permitted File Extensions list, select the file extension you want to edit.

  5. In the Document Policy view, click the Edit file extension button


  6. In the Edit File Extension dialog box, in the File extension box, edit the file extension and then click OK .


    Do not use a period '.' in the file extension. For example, type 'pdf' rather than '.pdf'.

  7. Click the Save button


  • Document Policy
  • Document Policy View
  • Edit File Extension Dialog Box
  • Adding a File Extension to the Permitted File Extensions List
  • Removing a File Extension from the Permitted File Extensions List