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Produkte: AS-C, AS-B, Enterprise Server, AS-P, Projekt Configuration Server, Project Configuration Tool
Funktionen: Alarme
Produktversion: 1.8

Notification Report Example 1

In the example Building Operation system, we have created Building A and Building B with a number of identical rooms. Building A has three rooms: Room 1, Room 2, and Room 3. Building B has three rooms: Room 1, Room 2, and Room 3. Each room has a value and a trend log that logs the room temperature. Each room also has a value and a trend log that logs the CO 2 percentage in the air. The values are connected to alarms.

The Building Operation system, University X ES1, also has a value and a trend log that logs the outdoor temperature.

action_zoom_plus_stroke Example 1 - Room structure
Abbildung: Example 1 - Room structure

We have created a notification report template. A notification report template functions as a template for how report content is added to a notification every time the notification is triggered. Für weitere Informationen siehe Notification Reports .

action_zoom_plus_stroke Notification Report Template
Abbildung: Notification Report Template

A notification report can contain four different types of information:

  • Properties: In our example, this is the name of the Building Operation system containing Building A and Building B, that is, 'University X ES1'.


  • Relative Properties: In our example, this is the room temperature value relative to the Room 1 folder in Building A and also the CO 2 value relative to Room 1.


  • Relative Trend Log: In in our example, this is one trend log for the room temperature and one trend log for the CO 2 percentage in Building A, Room 1. The trend logs share the relative reference point, since relative trend logs and relative properties only can have one single reference point per notification report.


  • Trend Log: In our example, this is the trend log that logs the outdoor temperature. The trend log is placed in a separate folder outside the Building folders.


Room 1 functions as a template where relative properties and trend logs are used.

We have edited the notification report contents of each data type group by adding substitution codes and free text. The report content of each added data type group is displayed as a substitution code in the notification report text main editor where we have made the final adjustments to the notification report text.

action_zoom_plus_stroke Substitution codes in notification reports.
Abbildung: Substitution codes in notification reports.

An alarm triggered notification has been created. The alarm triggered notification is triggered when an alarm with either of the source names 'Room Temperature Notification Out of Range Alarm' or 'CO2 Out of Range Alarm' is triggered.

action_zoom_plus_stroke Alarm triggered notification
Abbildung: Alarm triggered notification

Depending on which room the triggered alarm belongs to, the notification in turn triggers the notification report for the properties and trend logs of that room. The notification report is then distributed according to the configured distribution methods. In this example, the distribution method is a write to file notification. The notification report file is generated in the 'Notification Files' folder in the 'System' folder of the Building Operation system.

action_zoom_plus_stroke Notification Report
Abbildung: Notification Report
  • Notification Reports
  • Notifications
  • Notification Report Workflow
  • Notification Report Example 2
  • Creating a Notification Report Template
  • Creating an Alarm Triggered Notification