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Interfejs użytkownika

Interfejs użytkownika

Produkty: AS-B, Enterprise Central, Enterprise Server, AS-P, Project Configuration Tool
Funkcje: Alarmy
Wersja produktu: 3.2, 3.3, 2022

Alarm Decoration Rule Properties – Alarm Settings Tab

Use the ​ Alarm Settings tab to view and configure the properties of the alarm decoration rule.

action_zoom_plus_stroke Alarm Settings tab
Rysunek: Alarm Settings tab

Tabela: Alarm Settings Tab



Override alarm text

Select to override the original alarm text message when the alarm decoration rule conditions are met.

Alarm text message

Type the alarm text message to display when the alarm is in Alarm state and the alarm decoration rule conditions are met.

Więcej informacji zawiera Alarm Messages .

Override priority

Select to override the original priority property.


Enter the priority of an alarm that meets the conditions of the alarm decoration rule. Więcej informacji zawiera Alarm Priority .

Override category

Select to override the original category property.


Enter the category of an alarm that meets the conditions of the alarm decoration rule. Więcej informacji zawiera Categories .

Override cause note group

Select to override the original cause note group.

Cause note group

Enter the cause note group of an alarm that meets the conditions of the alarm decoration rule. Więcej informacji zawiera User Actions .

Override action note group

Select to override the original action note group.

Action note group

Enter the action note group of an alarm that meets the conditions of the alarm decoration rule. Więcej informacji zawiera User Actions .

Override checklist

Select to override the original checklist property.


Enter the checklist of an alarm that meets the conditions of the alarm decoration rule. Więcej informacji zawiera User Actions .

Checklist required

Select to require a checklist for an alarm that meets the conditions of the alarm decoration rule.

Override prefix for alarm source name

Select to override the original prefix for an alarm source name property.

Prefix for alarm source name

Enter the prefix for an alarm source name of an alarm that meets the conditions of the alarm decoration rule.

Override auto hide

Select to override the original auto hide configuration.

Auto hide

Select to auto hide an alarm that meets the conditions of the alarm decoration rule.

Override disable state-change logging

Select to override the original disable state-change logging configuration.

Disable state-change logging

Select to disable state-change logging of an alarm that meets the conditions of the alarm decoration rule.

Override flashing alert

Select to override the original flashing alert property.

Flashing alert

Select to add a flashing alert to an alarm that meets the conditions of the alarm decoration rule.

Override audible alert

Select to override the original audible alert property.

Audible alert

Select to add an audible alert to an alarm that meets the conditions of the alarm decoration rule.

Override font

Select to override the original font property.


Enter the font to be displayed in the Alarms pane or an Alarm View when an alarm that meets the conditions of the alarm decoration rule changes state. Więcej informacji zawiera Alarm Styles View .

Override font color

Select to override the original font color property.

Font color

Enter the font color to be displayed in the Alarms pane or an Alarm View when an alarm that meets the conditions of the alarm decoration rule changes state. Więcej informacji zawiera Alarm Styles View .

Override background color

Select to override the original background color property.

Background color

Enter the background color to be displayed in the Alarms pane or an Alarm View when an alarm that meets the conditions of the alarm decoration rule changes state. Więcej informacji zawiera Alarm Styles View .

Required user actions

Select to override the original required user action properties. Więcej informacji zawiera User Actions .



Click to add an action requirement. Więcej informacji zawiera User Actions .



Click to configure the actions required of the user when an alarm that meets the conditions of the alarm decoration rule changes state. Więcej informacji zawiera User Actions .



Click to remove the selected action requirement. Więcej informacji zawiera User Actions .



Click to add an attachment to an alarm that meets the conditions of the alarm decoration rule. Więcej informacji zawiera Alarm Attachments .



Click to edit the display condition and the object reference of the selected attachment. Więcej informacji zawiera Alarm Attachments .



Click to remove the selected attachment. Więcej informacji zawiera Alarm Attachments .

Display on alarm

Select True to automatically open and display the attachment when an alarm that meets the conditions of the alarm decoration rule is triggered. Więcej informacji zawiera Alarm Attachments .

  • Alarm Decoration
  • General Information Properties – Basic Tab
  • References Tab
  • Alarm Messages
  • Alarm Priority
  • Categories
  • User Actions
  • Alarm Styles View
  • Alarm Attachments