user_standard Connexion
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Produits : AS-L, AS-B, Enterprise Central, Enterprise Server, AS-P, Project Configuration Tool
Fonctionnalités : Alarmes
Version produit : 2.0, 2.1, 3.0, 3.1

Events Substitution Codes

Events substitution codes represent the information you want to display when a notification report is triggered. The information is dynamically filled in from the events that are included in the notification report.

Table : Events Substitution Codes for Notification Reports




Writes the time and date an alarm was acknowledged.


Writes the alarm state.


Writes the alarm message that was added to the alarm.


Writes the assigned state the alarm had. The possible values are: Unassigned, Assigned, and Accepted.


Writes the domain of the user or group that an alarm was assigned to.


Writes the ID of the user or group that an alarm was assigned to.


Writes the name of the user or group that an alarm was assigned to.


Writes the BACnet alarm that monitored a variable within a BACnet network.


Writes the basic evaluation state of an alarm. The value True indicates that an alarm was triggered.


Writes the category name.


Writes the executed command.


Writes the comment that was added to an alarm.


Writes the initials of the controlling I/NET operator.


Writes the 4 bit I/NET state descriptor.


Writes the number of times an alarm has toggled between the alarm and reset state.


Writes the description.


Writes the name of the I/NET device that generated the event.


Writes the cause for why the alarm was disabled. An alarm can be disabled by user, shunt variable and/or system (it is disabled by system if the alarm was incorrectly configured).


Writes the domain a user belonged to.


Writes the evaluation state an alarm had. For example, Upper limit alarm is displayed if the monitored value reached the upper alarm limit.


Writes the ID of the event on the external system.


Writes the ID of the external object that generated the event.


Writes the first name of the individual whose key/card was used at the I/NET door point.


Writes the forced values.


Writes the name of the cause note or action note group the user edited.


Writes the visible status an object had. False is displayed when an object was shown.


Writes the individual number of the individual whose key/card was used at the I/NET door point.


Writes the system address of the point, or station address of the host or controller that generated the event.


Writes the I/NET event type.


Writes the last name of the individual whose key/card was used at the I/NET door point.


Writes the name assigned to the link of the device from which the event originated.


Writes the text of an I/NET action or dispatch message, if there is one.


Writes the path to the monitored variable.


Writes the event notes.


Writes the previous alarm state.


Writes the priority an alarm had.


Writes the Sigma event parameter.


Writes the Sigma event type.


Writes the path of the source object.


Writes the name of the external object that generated the event.


Writes the server path of the source object.


Writes the (up to) 4 text characters that represent the text state of a discrete point or the unit description of an analog point.


Writes the name assigned to the controller from which the event originated.


Writes the alarm ID generated by the system.


Writes the event ID generated by the system.


Writes the tenant number of the individual whose key/card was used at the I/NET door point.


Writes the time and date when the event was generated.


Writes the time and date an alarm went from normal state to alarm state.


Writes the event type.


Writes the unique alarm ID of an alarm.


Writes the ID of a user.


Writes the events of which the user has edited checklist, cause note group, or action note group items.


Writes the name of the user that generated the event.


Writes the value of an object after it was changed.


Writes the value the monitored variable had when the alarm was triggered.


Writes the value of an object before it was changed.


Writes the I/NET security zone number associated with a security event (0-63).

  • Notification Reports
  • Alarm Substitution Codes
  • Properties and Watch View Properties Substitution Codes
  • Trend Log Records Substitution Codes