Use mass edit when you want to change several property values or rename several objects at a time.
You can change several property values at a time, for example, when you want to change all setpoints from 22 to 20.
Pour plus d'informations, voir Mass Editing Objects
Figure :
Multi editing
The objects do not need to be of the same type to be mass edited. However, the properties you want to edit have to be of the same type.
You can mass rename all objects that are possible to move. For example, you can rename alarms but not properties.
You can rename the objects one by one. You can also copy row-separated text from a file, such as an MS Excel file, and paste it to rename several rows in one single operation. When you paste, the copied text is pasted from the row you have clicked and down in the list. If the copied text is longer than the number of rows, pasting stops at the last row.
Pour plus d'informations, voir Mass Renaming Objects
Pour plus d'informations, voir Mass Renaming Objects Using Copy and Paste
When you hover over the names in the Name column, the full path of the object is displayed.
You can mass change the units of objects in a search result.
Pour plus d'informations, voir Mass Changing Units