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Produits : AS-B, Enterprise Server, MP-C, MP-V, AS-P, RP-C, SmartX Sensor
Fonctionnalités : 3 boutons, Ingénierie, Matériel, Dispositifs SmartX IP Controller, LCD, Ecran tactile
Version produit : 3.1

SmartX Sensors

SmartX Sensors are a family of living space sensors designed for SmartX IP controllers using the EcoStruxure Building Operation user interface. These sensors use an RJ-45 sensor bus that provides communication and power from the SmartX IP controller.

The maximum number of SmartX Sensors you can connect to a SmartX IP controller depends on the selected combination of cover and sensor base types. The limit also depends on whether an eCommission Bluetooth Adapter is connected to the sensor. Pour plus d'informations, voir eCommission SmartX Controllers Mobile Application and SmartX IP Controller Connections .


The maximum cable length of the sensor bus end to end and per segment is 61 m (200 ft).

SmartX Sensor Modular Bases and Covers

SmartX Sensors are modular and are ordered in two parts: the sensor base and the cover. Four SmartX communicating sensor base models are available as well as a variety of covers.

Typically, you can match any base unit containing temperature, carbon dioxide (CO2), and humidity sensor objects with any combination of front covers including varied button counts, occupancy sensors, and displays. The exception here is the LCD Temperature Sensor which includes its own unique sensor base and cover. You cannot interchange it with other covers or bases.

Pour plus d'informations, voir SmartX Sensor Modular Bases and Covers .

SmartX Sensor Models

SmartX Sensors include blank cover and occupancy sensor-only cover models, as well as several models with pushbutton or display-driven user interfaces that allow you to control temperature, occupancy, overrides, and a variety of other settings in a designated living space.

action_zoom_plus_stroke SmartX Sensor models
Figure : SmartX Sensor models

Pour plus d'informations, voir SmartX Sensor Models .

SmartX Sensor Display Properties

You use the SmartX Sensor Display property tabs in WorkStation to view and configure the UI features of the various sensor models within your control application.

Pour plus d'informations, voir SmartX Sensor Display Properties .

Firmware Upgrade

The SmartX Sensor upgrade process is automatic since its firmware is part of the same package you use to upgrade the SmartX IP controller. That firmware package includes 3 overall files: the I/O board, the CPU board and the SmartX Sensor. Each individual SmartX IP controller is responsible for upgrading its own SmartX Sensor.

Should you decide to replace or swap a SmartX Sensor, the new unit is automatically loaded with the last SmartX IP controller firmware package resident in the controller. The SmartX IP controller saves that file and re-uses it when a SmartX Sensor is replaced.


A factory reset affects the SmartX IP controller’s firmware because the controller upgrade includes not only firmware files that pertain to the controller itself, but also firmware files to support the attached hardware. This hardware may include, but is not limited to, equipment like the SmartX Sensor and RP Series expansion modules. Pour plus d'informations, voir SmartX IP Controller Device Firmware Management .


When replacing a SmartX Sensor, you can replace the sensor with any model of the same family. The SmartX IP controller recognizes the model and communicates with the replacement device. Additionally, if you decide to replace a temperature and CO2 sensor and then later decide to replace only the temperature sensor, the SmartX IP controller still operates with only the temperature sensor. Any application written to use the CO2 sensor is affected, however, since the replacement unit causes EcoStruxure Building Operation objects representing the CO2 sensor to be configured as out of service.


It is the sensor object that is out of service here and not the entire SmartX Sensor.

When replacing a SmartX Sensor, be sure to check the DIP switch address to ensure that the system recognizes the fitted unit as replacement for one you removed. Otherwise, the SmartX IP controller does not interact with the same unit. In order for the new unit to assume the identity of the old one, the DIP switch settings must match.

During the replacement process, you can swap the faceplate on the sensor model if you want. Even if the model sensor types and faceplate do not match, EcoStruxure BMS still assumes it is the same unit and configures any absent or deficient sensors or displays objects as out of service.


When the SmartX IP controller requires more than one SmartX Sensor, be sure to adjust the DIP switches of the devices to unique settings. You should also ensure that at least two switches are present to provide the four unique settings the product requires. The following table shows the mapping between each unique DIP switch setting and SmartX Sensor addressing. The default setting for both DIP switches is OFF.

















Setting more than one SmartX Sensor to the same address (including not changing the factory default DIP switch setting) produces an error and results in a communication failure to any units sharing that address.

SmartX Sensor Operation and Calibration Modes

The CO2, temperature, and occupancy SmartX sensors provide a variety of operation and calibration options.

Pour plus d'informations, voir SmartX Sensor Operation and Calibration Modes .

SmartX Sensor Display Scene Configuration

The SmartX Sensor Display Scene Configuration page provides you with a series of buttons and trigger function identifiers to use when programming the Touchscreen Display model.

Pour plus d'informations, voir SmartX Sensor Display Scene Configuration .

Application and Scene Association

In the SmartX Sensor Display object, the Selected scene property displays the scene identifier corresponding to the user's scene button press. The control application binds to this property, so the SmartX Sensor button can act as an application input.

Pour plus d'informations, voir Application and Scene Association .

SmartX Sensor HMI References

HMI references allow multiple SmartX Sensors to write to the same value or master value with equal precedence and perform multiple write references without priority. As a result, all SmartX Sensors at the same level can exercise equal control over a setpoint and value, so that a setpoint and value configured anywhere is reflected everywhere. This also allows the master value to be written back to the SmartX Sensor HMI source values and assists in maintaining and synchronizing those values.

Pour plus d'informations, voir SmartX Sensor HMI References .

  • SmartX IP Controller - MP Series Overview
  • SmartX IP Controller - RP Series Overview
  • eCommission SmartX Controllers Mobile Application and SmartX IP Controller Connections
  • SmartX Sensor Modular Bases and Covers
  • SmartX Sensor Models
  • Creating a SmartX Sensor
  • SmartX Sensor Display Properties
  • SmartX Sensor Operation and Calibration Modes
  • Hardware Overview
  • SmartX Sensor Display Scene Configuration
  • Application and Scene Association
  • SmartX Sensor HMI References
  • SmartX IP Controller Device Firmware Management