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Produkty: AS-B, Enterprise Central, Enterprise Server, AS-P, WorkStation
Funkcje: Inżynieria
Wersja produktu: 3.3, 2022

Configuring WorkStation to run in Database Mode

You configure WorkStation to run in database mode when you want to save configuration changes to the EcoStruxure BMS server database but not send the changes to automation servers or other devices.

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In WorkStation you use database mode when you want to save configuration changes to the EcoStruxure BMS server database but not send the changes to automation servers or other devices.

Once you have selected to run WorkStation in database mode, the setting is saved for profile of the user account you used to log on to WorkStation. If you log on to WorkStation with the same user account but on a different computer, WorkStation opens in database mode.

Database mode is used to get and set properties, such as in a property grid. When Workstation is in database mode, it sends get/set commands to the server requesting to get/set values from/to the database. This procedure allows you to engineer the device offline, even if the device is online. Consequently, you can create applications offline and then download them to the device. The PCT always starts the Workstation program in database mode.

Subscriptions are always online, even if you are working in database mode.

Database Mode Indication and Default

When WorkStation is in database mode, there is an indication in the status bar.

By default, database mode is switched off.

When you open WorkStation from Project Configuration Tool, WorkStation always opens in database mode.

Database Mode Guidelines

When using database mode, consider the following:

  • Database mode is not recommended when working on live I/A Series MNL, NETWORK 8000, and MNB devices.

  • Run-time interactions between the EcoStruxure BMS server and BACnet devices (including the MP controllers) still function. For example, watch window and Graphics still display value updates and alarms are still processed from the device.

  • BACnet device commands (including those utilized in the MP controller) still execute. As a result, you can perform uploads and downloads in database mode.

To configure WorkStation to run in Database Mode
  1. In WorkStation, click the Tools menu.

  2. Click Database mode .

  3. Click Yes .

Database mode is indicated by a database icon in the status bar. Changes you make from now on are saved to the EcoStruxure BMS server database but not sent to any physical devices. To send the configuration changes to physical devices you have to deploy.

  • Database Mode
  • Tools Menu