You configure the MP-V controller setpoints to set up the parameters by which the controller is flow balanced. These setpoints include the maximum flow setpoint, selected by default, and the intermediate and minimum flow setpoints, which are optional.
In the eCommission application, in the main menu of the Air Balancing view, tap Setpoints .
In the Air Balancing Setpoints view, for the Direction of rotation to open , tap either CW or CCW to select either clockwise or counterclockwise rotation.
For Measurement system , tap the current setting.
In the Measurement System dialog box, tap either US or Metric .
In the Flow tolerance box, type the tolerance, in %, associated with the Maximum flow , Intermediate flow , and Minimum flow values.
In the Flow at 1 in H 2 0 or 249 Pa box, type the rated flow of the terminal box at 1.0 inch water column (249 Pa). This value is commonly read from a chart associated with the flow pickup.
In the Maximum flow box, type the maximum flow setpoint associated with the terminal box.
In the Air Balancing Setpoints view, the Intermediate flow and Minimum flow setpoint check boxes are cleared by default. However, it is recommended that you include either or both these setpoints for flow balancing, in addition to the Maximum flow setpoint. Doing so allows you to achieve greater flow accuracy across the operating flow range of the VAV unit.
For Intermediate flow , type a value in the text box or clear the check box:
If this setpoint will be used, type an initial value for the intermediate flow setpoint in the text box.
If this setpoint will not be used, clear the check box and then type 0 (zero) in the text box.
For Minimum flow , type a value in the text box or clear the check box:
If this setpoint will be used, type an initial value for the intermediate flow setpoint in the text box.
If this setpoint will not be used, clear the check box and then type 0 (zero) in the text box.
Tap Next .
The flow balancing setpoints are now configured. Flow balancing at the selected flow setpoints begins automatically.