You edit your Installation and System Information to update your contact information.
In a computer with Internet, in the browser, go to
In the Registering an Offline System window, in the System ID box, type the system identifier.
At the registration website, at the Installation and System Information page, in the Site/building name box, type the site/building name where the system is being installed.
Required information is marked with a red star.
In the Site company name box, type the company name.
In the Site/building address box, type the site or the building address.
In the Country box, select the country to which the site or the building belongs.
In the State/province box, select the state or the province to which the site or the building belongs.
In the City box, select the city to which the site or the building belongs.
In the Zip/postal code box, type the zip or the postal code.
In the Email address box, type the email address.
In the Confirm email box, type the email address again.
In the Segment /application section, select the business segments you belong to.
Click Submit .
A confirmation of your registration is sent to the email address you provided.
You now updated your contact information.