项目配置工具是一个功能强大的软件工具,使您能够虚拟地设计 EcoStruxure BMS。使用此工具,您可以通过场外设计、编程和配置 EcoStruxure BMS,最大限度地减少在现场花费的时间。通过 Project Configuration Tool,您可以在将服务器部署到目标 EcoStruxure BMS 之前,虚拟运行 Enterprise Central、Enterprise Server和自动化服务器,并模拟所有功能。
Project Configuration Tool 服务器提供一种环境,在进行工程设计时所有虚拟 EcoStruxure BMS 服务器均可在该环境中运行。项目配置工具为项目管理提供了一个基于 Web 浏览器的用户界面。WorkStation 提供用于配置 EcoStruxure BMS 服务器的全功能用户界面。
使用 Web 浏览器访问项目配置工具服务器,您可轻松地创建项目,创建、启动和停止虚拟 EcoStruxure BMS 服务器,并将虚拟服务器部署到现场服务器。您还可以添加项目特性以跟踪项目管理器和描述等信息。
利用虚拟 EcoStruxure BMS 服务器,您可以模拟除与现场设备通讯之外 Enterprise Central、Enterprise Server 和自动化服务器的所有方面。项目配置工具通过 Microsoft Hyper-V 软件利用硬件虚拟化技术。您可以同时向项目添加多个虚拟 EcoStruxure BMS 服务器,并可以启动和停止服务器以适应您当前的需要。
从模板创建虚拟自动化服务器可显著地简化工程设计工作,并帮助提高配置的一致性。通过 Project Configuration Tool,您可为自动化服务器选择备份集,将其保存为新模板,然后从单个模板创建多个虚拟自动化服务器。模板存储在库中以便于再次使用。
在 WorkStation 中使用虚拟 EcoStruxure BMS 服务器的方式与在 WorkStation 中使用在线 EcoStruxure BMS 服务器相同。当您通过 Project Configuration Tool 启动 WorkStation 时,可使用相同的强大工程设计功能和工具。使用两种不同的颜色方案区分产品,这样便于了解您正在使用的是哪种工具。通过 WorkStation,您可以创建设备、绑定、图形、报警以及项目所需的其他对象。如需了解更多信息,参见 WorkStation 和 WebStation 规格表。
使用备份和恢复功能,您可以将项目的虚拟 EcoStruxure BMS 服务器部署到现场的 Enterprise Central、Enterprise Server 和自动化服务器,以下载您在场外创建的配置。部署之后,您可通过 WorkStation 登录现场的 EcoStruxure BMS 服务器以进行配置更改。
项目配置工具可以与内部和外部虚拟网络交换机一起安装。仅对于本地访问,在安装过程中应禁用或不配置外部交换机。这种灵活性可确保安装能够轻松地适应项目要求。此外,您还可以灵活地安装所需的服务器包。随着新版本的 EcoStruxure Building Operation 发布,您可以轻松地将它们添加到现有的 Project Configuration Tool 服务器中。
Project Configuration Tool should only be deployed in private isolated networks and never be exposed directly to the Internet.
Project Configuration Tool 支持 EcoStruxure Building Operation 软件 3.2 版和更高版本。
Hardware requirements – Server | |
Processor power, memory, and storage capacity should be scaled upwards to accommodate targeted system size as impacted by the total quantity of EcoStruxure BMS projects. Project Configuration Tool is tested on a server with an 8-core 3.6 GHz processor, 32 GB of memory, and storage capacity of 1 TB. | |
Installing Project Configuration Tool and the virtual machine require approximately 50 GB of storage space on the installation drive and 5 GB on the Windows Temp folder, which is typically located on the C drive (C:). | |
Intel Core i7-7820X @ 3.60 GHz or higher (at least 4 CPU cores)
2 GB per running EcoStruxure BMS server
Minimum: 16 GB
The Virtual Machine is configured by default with 8 GB.
Storage capacity
Minimum: 50 GB and 5 GB in Windows Temp folder
Recommended: 1 TB or higher
BIOS | |
Required BIOS configuration
Intel VT-x or AMD-V virtualization support enabled
Memory and processor capacity | |
The memory capacity is a function of the number of running servers, devices, and objects in the projects. The memory consumption is approximately 2 GB plus 170 MB x number of running servers. The Virtual Machine is configured by default with 8 GB, which can be changed in Hyper-V. With 4 CPU cores, it is possible to run up to 100 servers. To run 100 to 200 servers, the requirement is 8 CPU cores, and so on. The following guidelines are offered to assist in determining the appropriate size: | |
一台空的 EcoStruxure BMS 服务器
50 MB
一台典型的 EcoStruxure BMS 服务器
170 MB
一台空的 b3920
0.07 MB
一台空的 MNB 1000
0.01 MB
一台 Xenta 122 FC
1.5 MB
一台空的可编程的 Xenta
0.04 MB
一个 MNLRF1_FanCoil
0.36 MB
Software requirements | |
Operating systems
Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit)
Microsoft Windows 11
Microsoft Windows Server 2019
Microsoft Windows Server 2022
The following Microsoft Windows 10 editions are supported: Pro and Enterprise. | |
The following Microsoft Windows 11 editions are supported: Pro and Enterprise. | |
The following Microsoft Windows Server 2019 editions are supported: Datacenter, Standard, and Essentials. | |
The following Microsoft Windows Server 2022 editions are supported: Datacenter, Standard, and Essentials. | |
Hyper-V must be enabled
Required additional software
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2 and later
WorkStation version and later
a) For WorkStation version 3.2.4 and 4.0.5, it is required to install WorkStation version (or later) in parallel. For WorkStation version 5.0.3, it is sufficient to install version For WorkStation versions later than 5.0.3, version is not needed. | |
Compatibility | |
EcoStruxure Building Operation server packages
version 3.2 and later
Webstation 工作站
版本 3.2.4、4.0.5、5.0.3 及更新版本
Communication between Project Configuration Tool server and web browser or WorkStation | |
Non-binary, port not configurable, default 443
Part numbers | |
无 Project Configuration Tool 部件号或许可。但是,用于 EcoStruxure BMS 服务器配置的 WorkStation 需要 WorkStation 许可。如需了解更多信息,参见 WorkStation 和 WebStation 规格表。 |