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产品: WebStation
功能: Dashboards
产品版本: 2024, 7.0

Point Pie

A point pie chart is a circular graphic divided into slices to illustrate proportion of values.

The point pie can contain one or many variables. The colors and calculation method of every variable can be changed.

Pie center

The pie center can be configured as follows:

  • None: Does not display any pie center.

  • Average: Displays the average value for all variables in the pie.

  • Total: Displays the sum of all variables in the pie.

  • Min: Displays the value of the variable with the lowest value in the pie chart center.

  • Max: Displays the value of the variable with the highest value in the pie chart center.

Numerical values

You can get a numerical display of all values in the log pie using the Display Values feature.

  • How Dashboards Work
  • 仪表板小部件
  • Configuring a Point Pie