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Produkter: WebStation
Funktionaliteter: Dashboards
Produktversion: 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 2022, 2023

How Dashboards Work

arrow1_rotationTypes of Dashboards arrow1_rotationDashboard Widgets arrow1_rotationSlideshows arrow1_rotationDashboards in WorkStation

Dashboards are a way to get a graphical overview of values and logs in your system.

You create dashboards to get an overview of how buildings perform, such as energy consumption monitoring, alarm statistics, and environmental summaries. You can view live and historical data.

Dashboards are created in WebStation and can only be accessed through WebStation. You configure the dashboard to your needs by adding dashboards widgets.

Types of Dashboards

There are two types of dashboards, public or personal.

Public dashboards

Public dashboard can be created by any user that has access to the folder where the dashboards are located. Any user that has access to the folder can view the dashboard.

Personal dashboards

Personal dashboards are saved on the user level and can only be accessed by the user that created them. To be able to create personal dashboards, the user must be a member of a that allows members to create dashboards.

Mer information finns i Allowing a User to Access Personal Dashboards .

Personal dashboards require a license.

Dashboard Widgets

Dashboard widgets are small applications in a dashboard. Dashboard widgets are the main components in a dashboard and present graphical information from your system.

Mer information finns i Dashboard Widgets .


Slideshows switch the display of several different dashboards or other components. You can configure the interval between the dashboards and components.

Dashboards in WorkStation

Dashboard cannot be accessed using WorkStation. However, the dashboard objects are visible in the System Tree in WorkStation.

  • WebStation Overview
  • Dashboard Widgets
  • Dashboards in WorkStation
  • Allowing a User to Access Personal Dashboards
  • Configuring Security in WebStation using WorkStation