You connect to a device to begin all commissioning tasks.
On the Home page, click IP Network .
On the IP Network page, in the Adapter dropdown, select the IP address for your wireless adapter.
Configure the following optional features:
UDP/IP Port. The default port number is 47808. Więcej informacji zawiera IP Acquisition and Connectivity .
BBMD address. Enter the IP address here if you are connecting to a remote site. Więcej informacji zawiera IP Acquisition and Connectivity .
Click Connect .
On the Select BACnet Network page, the Commission mobile application automatically selects the local network. If you are connecting to a remote site, select the checkbox next to the appropriate network. Click Discover Devices .
On the Device List page, select the check box next to the device or devices you want to connect to. To select all devices listed, select Select All .
To filter the device list, click the Filter icon, and apply a filter. Więcej informacji zawiera Filtering the Device List .
Click Connect .
When you reach the Configure page, you have successfully connected.
The quantity and type of devices you connect to determines the options available for selection within the Configure and Commission pages.