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产品: AS-B, Edge Server, Device Administrator, AS-P
功能: 硬件, 安全
产品版本: 2024, 7.0

Importing a Certificate to a Field Server Using Device Administrator

You import a certificate so that you can use it on your field servers.


Certificates are used to increase the security of the communication between Device Administrator and field server.

Certificates are used to establish a trust chain between Device Administrator and the automation servers. A trusted chain communication with HTTPS consists of two parts:

  • An SSL root certificate installed in Windows on the computer that runs Device Administrator

  • An SSL certificate on the automation server

Both Device Administrator and automation servers supports self-signed certificates as well as CA certificates. Device Administrator allows you to create your own self-signed certificate.

Import and export

Certificates can be imported and exported. For example, you have established a trust chain between computer 1, running Device Administrator, and a list of field servers. You want to access the samefield servers using computer 2. In this case, you install Device Administrator on computer 2, export the SSL root certificate from computer 1, and import it to computer 2.

有关更多信息,请参阅 Exporting an SSL Server Root Certificate Using Device Administrator .

有关更多信息,请参阅 Importing a Certificate to a Field Server Using Device Administrator .

Deleting a certificate

Certificates can be deleted from the EBO server using Device Administrator.

有关更多信息,请参阅 Deleting an SSL Certificate on a Field Server Using Device Administrator .


The certificates are included in the field server’s backup. You do not need to generate a new certificate if you restore a field server from a backup generated after the certificate was transferred to the field server if you retain the original root certificate.

Device Administrator certificate workflow

Use this workflow to create a trusted chain between Device Administrator and field server using a self-signed certificate.

有关更多信息,请参阅 Device Administrator Certificate Workflow .

Use this workflow to create a trusted chain between Device Administrator and field server using a CA certificate.

有关更多信息,请参阅 Device Administrator CA Certificate Workflow .

Certificates and licensing

Certificates generated and installed using Device Administrator must be used when activating licenses.

Certificates generated using Workstation cannot be used for licensing in field servers since these certificates do not provide a root certificate or other trust chain for validation. If you use WorkStation certificates, we recommend that you generate new ones for your field servers from Device Administrator when you use licensing in field servers.

有关更多信息,请参阅 Field Server Licensing Overview .

To import a certificate to a field server using Device Administrator
  1. In the Device Administrator, click Servers .

  2. In the Server list, click the server.

  3. Click Server Certificates .

  4. Click Add and then click Import .

  5. In the Import Server Certificate box, browse to the certificate.

  6. Browse to the private key.

  7. Type the password for the private key.

  8. Type a description.

  9. Click OK .

  • Certificates Managed using Device Administrator
  • Server Certificates Tab
  • Exporting a Certificate Using Device Administrator