There are a number of different clients, servers, and features that requires licenses to operate.
These are the products and features that require licenses:
Enterprise Server and Enterprise Central
Enterprise Servers attached to Enterprise Central
Clients and Tools
Automation servers attached to Enterprise Server
Field buse devices
SNMP Notifications
Personal Dashboards
Change Control
Web Services
Sign PDF
The licenses are managed by the License Administrator.
Every Enterprise Central and Enterprise Server needs a license to start.
Client and engineering tool licenses are available for WorkStation, WorkStation Pro, WebStation, and all EcoStruxure Building Operation Editors.
Clients or tools are licensed individually and cannot be started without licenses.
To be able to attach an automation server to an Enterprise Server, you need a license for every automation server you want to attach.
Automation servers can be imported wthout licenses but the Violation Bar displays until the proper number of licenses are activated.
All field bus devices hosted by an Enterprise Server need licenses.
Per maggior informazioni, consulta Field Bus Device Licenses .
To be able to use SNMP Notification on an automation server, a license is required.
SNMP licenses on an Enterprise Server are inherited by all attached automation servers.
Per maggior informazioni, consulta Inherited Licenses .
To be able to create personal dashboards on an automation server, you need a license. Personal dashboards are used in WebStation.
Per maggior informazioni, consulta Inherited Licenses .
To be able to use Change Control system-wide in a multi-server system, you need a license.
Per maggior informazioni, consulta Inherited Licenses .
To be able to use TimescaleDB on an automation server, a license is required.
Per maggior informazioni, consulta Inherited Licenses .
Web Services license enforcement will occur in a future release of EcoStruxure Building Operation. The lack of current enforcement does not remove the requirement of license purchase to receive support.
To be able to get PDF reports digitally signed, you need a license. One license is required for every Enterprise Central and Enterprise Server that uses the Sign PDF function.