user_standard 登录
登录以评价并提供反馈 1 2 3 4 5 登录以评价


产品: WorkStation
功能: 基本功能, 用户管理
产品版本: 2024, 7.0

Regional Settings and Theme Settings

arrow1_rotationRegional Settings arrow1_rotationTheme Settings arrow1_rotationDefault System Settings and User Settings

You can change regional settings and use different themes to adapt WebStation to your region and your screen.

Regional Settings

You can adapt WebStation to your own region regarding units and language.

有关更多信息,请参阅 Regional Settings .

Theme Settings

You can select several themes on how WebStation is presented.

有关更多信息,请参阅 Theme Settings .

Default System Settings and User Settings

The regional settings and theme settings can be configured on two levels: default system level and user level.

Default system settings are used to make an overall configuration of the system so that all users that have not made any configuration themselves gets the default user setting.

The default system settings might be affected by the lead and shadow mechanism. 有关更多信息,请参阅 Lead and Shadow Relationship .

User setting is used if the user is not satisfied with the default system setting. Users can configure their own regional settings and theme settings that override the default system settings. The user settings are stored on the users account.

  • Regional Settings
  • Basic Functions
  • Theme Settings
  • Lead and Shadow Relationship