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Productos RP-C, RP-C-EXT-KNX
Funcionalidades: Hardware
Versión del producto: 3.2, 3.3, 2022, 2023, 2024

KNX Modbus Gateway LEDs

arrow1_rotationProgramming LED arrow1_rotationKNX LED arrow1_rotationMode LED arrow1_rotation RTU LED

There are three LEDs on the front of the KNX Modbus gateway (RP-C-EXT-KNX) and one LED above the front. The LEDs indicate different types of status and modes.

action_zoom_plus_stroke KNX Modbus gateway LEDs
Figura: KNX Modbus gateway LEDs

Tabla: KNX Modbus Gateway LEDs






Green/Red a

Mode (Status)

Green/Red a

RTU (Modbus)

Green/Red a

  1. The indicator comprises two LEDs, green and red, in one structure. When both LEDs are switched on at the same time, the colors blend and the result is amber (orange) light.

The LEDs indicate the status of the device, the programming mode, and the status of the KNX and Modbus RTU communication on the KNX bus and RP-C Modbus (RS-485) network respectively.

Programming LED

The Programming LED indicates whether the programming mode is active for the device.

Tabla: Programming LED Patterns

LED Patterns


Recommended Action

Red, constant

Programming mode is active

No action required.

No light

Programming mode is not active

No action required.


The KNX LED indicates the status of the data communication on the KNX bus.

Tabla: KNX LED Patterns

LED Patterns


Recommended Action

Green, flashing

Transmitting and receiving data (telegrams)

No action required.

No light

No data communication

No action required.

Mode LED

The Mode LED indicates the status of the device.

Tabla: Mode LED Patterns

LED Patterns


Recommended Action

Green, constant

Normal operation, status OK.

No action required.

Green, flashing

Configuration parameters and application are currently being downloaded from ETS to the device.

When the download is completed, the LED returns to constant green light.

No action required.

Amber, constant

Manual operation mode is active. a

No action required.

Red, constant

Programming mode is active.

No action required.

Red, flashing

Device is not loaded correctly (for example, because an ETS download was interrupted). b

Download application from ETS again.

No light

No power supply from the KNX bus connection.

Check the KNX bus connection.

  1. Programming mode is not active.
  2. Programming mode is not active. Manual operation mode is not active.


The RTU LED indicates the status of the Modbus RTU data communication over the RP-C Modbus (RS-485) network.

Tabla: RTU LED Patterns

LED Patterns


Recommended Action

Green, flashing

Transmitting and receiving data

No action required.

No light

No data communication

No action required.

  • KNX Modbus Gateway RP-C-EXT-KNX