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Produkty: RP-C, RP-C-EXT-KNX
Funkcje: Sprzęt
Wersja produktu: 3.2, 3.3, 2022, 2023, 2024, 7.0

KNX Modbus Gateway Programming Mode

When the KNX Modbus gateway (RP-C-EXT-KNX) is in programming mode, you can assign an individual address to the device on the KNX bus.

You put the KNX Modbus gateway in programming mode by either pressing the Programming button or pressing the KNX write and KNX read buttons at the same time. Więcej informacji zawiera KNX Modbus Gateway Buttons .

When the device is in programming mode, the Programming LED and Mode LED are lit red. Więcej informacji zawiera KNX Modbus Gateway LEDs .

If required, the KNX Modbus gateway can be reset to factory default settings. Więcej informacji zawiera Performing a Factory Reset of the KNX Modbus Gateway .

  • Hardware Overview
  • KNX Modbus Gateway RP-C-EXT-KNX
  • KNX Modbus Gateway Buttons
  • KNX Modbus Gateway LEDs
  • Performing a Factory Reset of the KNX Modbus Gateway