user_standard Connexion
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Produits : AS-B, Edge Server, Enterprise Central, Enterprise Server, AS-P, Project Configuration Tool
Fonctionnalités : Alarmes
Version produit : 2024, 7.0

XML Notation for Substitution Codes in XLSX Report Template

You structure information in an XLSX report template by using XML notation for substitution codes.

You can structure your information in a linear way or in columns of your XLSX file.

In an XSLX file you can structure your data in multiple tabs, you can also add pictures, tables, diagram, headers and footers.

If you use XLSX as report format, the notification text (Notification Object) and the report text (Notification Report Template) is not used.

The Notification Report Template is created in an XLSX file. In order to turn an XLSX file into a Notification Report Template, you can use simple or advanced method of structuring information in the XLSX template. You configure all the content of the Report Template in an XLSX-template, using XML.

Simple structuring of an XLSX template

You use a start-end tag "<.../>" together with the name of your Report data.

Example: <MyProperties/> or <MySearch/>

You start and end each part of the reported data with a start-end tag.

The XLSX report will be generated using the configuration in the Report Template.

Advanced structuring of an XLSX template

You describe the data in columns of an XLSX template directly in order to easier configure graphs, specify conditional formatting etc.

You use start-end tag "<.../>" together with the name of your Report data and then you type the substitution codes from the Report data in XML-notation. See examples below.

Formatting timestamp to XLSX date

You convert timestamp cells formatted as strings to XLSX date by changing substitution code.

To format timestamp to XLXS date change substitution code from <Timestamp f="%d-%m-%Y"/> to <Timestamp dt="date"/

Start-end tag, start-tag and end-tag in XLSX templates

You use the start-end tag only, to delegate the decision which information is displayed to the XLSX Report Template. The use of the start-end tag only enables the XLSX Report Template to display the report text from Notification Report Template.

Example: if you type <MyAlarms/> (the start-end tag), then the report text is displayed in the Report Template. .




Alarm text

System alarm id


Triggered timestamp


You use the schema: the start-tag - the substitution codes - the end-tag, to prevent the report text in the Report Template from showing.

Example: if you type <MyAlarms> <Source/><AlarmText/></MyAlarms> (the start-tag - the substitution codes - the end-tag), then the report text is not displayed in the Report Template.




Alarm text

System alarm id


Triggered timestamp

<MyAlarms><Timestamp f=%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%D"/>






Alarm data

You report Alarm data in Alarm columns using substitution codes translated to XML. Example:



Alarm text

System alarm id

Triggered timestamp

<MyAlarms><TimeStamp f="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"/>





Event data

You report Event data in Event columns using substitution codes translated to XML. Example:



User name

System event id


Triggered timestamp

<MyEvents><TimeStamp f="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"/>






User data

You report User data in User columns using substitution codes translated to XML. Example:


Path Permissions

Type Permissions

User name:





Domain name:





Subgroups data

You use subgroups to classify permissions and avoid conflicts of Users and Groups:




















<TypePermissions/>, <ActiveTypePermissions/>


Styling in merged cells doesn’t work.

The tags <MyProperties> or <MyAlarms> are referring to the report data in the Report Template.

If you use formulas with references, note that inserted data will add rows. Therefore, ensure that your formulas refer to correct cells after data has been inserted.

  • Email Notification Distribution Method
  • Write to File Notification Distribution Method
  • Alarms Substitution Codes
  • Events Substitution Codes
  • Date and Time Formatting 
  • Timestamp in an XLSX File is not Working as Expected
  • XLSX Notification Report File Is Too Large
  • Groups Substitution Codes
  • Multi Log List Substitution Codes
  • Properties and Watch View Properties Substitution Codes
  • Trend Log Records Substitution Codes
  • Alarms Substitution Codes