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User Interface

User Interface

Products: AS-B, Edge Server, Enterprise Central, Enterprise Server, AS-P, Virtual Project Servers
Functionalities: Basic Functionality
Product version: 2024, 7.0

Property Context Menu – New Submenu

Use the New submenu to create new objects.

action_zoom_plus_stroke Property context menu - New submenu
Figure: Property context menu - New submenu

Table: Property Context Menu - New Submenu




Click to open the Create Object wizard where you create an alarm. For more information, see Create Object Dialog – Naming the Object Page .

An alarm monitors a variable and alerts you if the monitored variable matches the configured alarm conditions. For more information, see Alarms Overview .


Click to open the Create Object wizard where you create trend logs, trend log lists, or trend charts. For more information, see Create Object Dialog – Naming the Object Page .

The function of a trend log is to log the variable that it is connected to and store the records. For more information, see Trends Overview .

  • Property Context Menu
  • Property Context Menu