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Produkter: Operator Display
Funktionaliteter: Tidsscheman
Produktversion: 3.3, 2022, 2023, 2024, 7.0

Editing an Event Priority

You edit an event priority to change the exception event to a higher or lower priority.

To edit an event priority
  1. In Operator Display, on the Device List screen, tap the arrow button

    to select the device with the with the schedule event priority you want to edit.

  2. On the Device screen, tap the Schedules arrow button


  3. On the Schedules screen, tap the schedule type arrow button


  4. On the schedule view screen, tap the event you want to edit.

  5. On the event screen, tap + or - to edit the priority of the event. 1 is the highest priority and 16 is the lowest.

  6. Tap OK .

  7. On the schedule view screen, tap Save .

  • Exception Event Priorities