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Interfejs użytkownika

Interfejs użytkownika

Produkty: Operator Display
Funkcje: Harmonogramy
Wersja produktu: 3.3, 2022, 2023, 2024, 7.0

Edit Single Date Exception Screen

Use the Edit single date exception screen to add, edit or delete the time span and the value of a single date exception.

action_zoom_plus_stroke Edit single date exception screen
Rysunek: Edit single date exception screen

Tabela: Edit Single Date Exception Screen




Tap + or - to edit the priority of the event. 1 is the highest priority and 16 is the lowest. Więcej informacji zawiera Exception Event Priorities .


Tap - or + to select a specific year between 2020 and 2100 , or Any year .


Tap - or + to select a specific month between January and December , Odd months , Even months , or Any month .

Day of month

Tap - or + to select a specific day between 1 and 31 , Last day , Odd days , Even days , or Any day .

Day of week

Tap - or + to select a specific day between Monday and Sunday , or Any day .

Start time

Displays the starting time of the event.

End time

Displays the ending time of the event.


Displays the selected value of the event.


Tap to open the Edit exception event screen, where you add a time span and a value. Więcej informacji zawiera Edit Exception Event Screen .


Tap to open the Edit exception event screen, where you edit the time span and the value. Więcej informacji zawiera Edit Exception Event Screen .

  • Schedule Handling
  • Schedules Screen
  • Add Schedule Event Screen
  • Edit Exception Event Screen
  • Exception Events