Use the Edit calculated date exception screen to add, edit or delete the time span and the value of a calculated date exception.
Component |
Description |
Priority |
Tap + or - to edit the priority of the event. 1 is the highest priority and 16 is the lowest. Więcej informacji zawiera Exception Event Priorities . |
Year |
Tap - or + to select a specific year between 2020 and 2100 , or Any year . |
Month |
Tap - or + to select a specific month between January and December , Odd months , Even months , or Any month . |
Week of month |
Tap - or + to select a specific week between First and Fifth , Last , or Any . |
Day of week |
Tap - or + to select a specific day between Monday and Sunday , or Any day . |
Start time |
Displays the starting time of the event. |
End time |
Displays the ending time of the event. |
Value |
Displays the selected value of the event. |
Tap to open the Edit exception event screen, where you add a time span and a value. Więcej informacji zawiera Edit Exception Event Screen . |
Tap to open the Edit exception event screen, where you edit the time span and the value. Więcej informacji zawiera Edit Exception Event Screen . |