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Produkter: Operator Display
Funktionaliteter: Maskinteknik, SmartX IP-kontrollenheter
Produktversion: 3.3, 2022, 2023, 2024, 7.0

Configuring the BACnet/IP Network Communication

You configure the BACnet/IP network communication to establish the BACnet/IP network communication between Operator Display and the devices.

To configure the BACnet/IP network communication
  1. In Operator Display, tap the menu button


  2. On the menu, tap Settings .

  3. On the Operator Display Settings screen, tap BACnet .

  4. On the BACnet Setup screen, in the Instance number box, type the intance number for this Operator Display.

  5. In the Port box, type the communication port number for this Operator Display.

  6. Tap Time master to configure Operator Display to send date and time to its connected devices.

  7. Tap OK .

  • Configuration
  • BACnet Setup Screen