user_standard Connexion
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Produits : AO-8, AO-V-8, DI-16, DO-FA-12, DO-FC-8, RTD-DI-16, UI-16, UI-8/AO-4, UI-8/AO-V-4, UI-8/DO-FC-4
Fonctionnalités : Matériel
Version produit : 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 2022, 2023, 2024, 7.0

Important Information on Central IO Modules with Manufacturing Date Earlier Than 2021-W26

The override switches on Central IO modules with manufacturing date earlier than 2021-W26 must be disabled to remove the risk of an improper output. To disable the override switches, update the Central IO module firmware to version 2.017 or later.



For Central IO modules with Hand-Off-Auto (HOA) override switches and with manufacturing date earlier than 2021-W26:

  • Disable the HOA switches by updating the Central IO module firmware to version 2.017 or later.

Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment damage.

Pour plus d'informations, voir Updating I/O Module Firmware .

Updating a Central IO module with firmware version 2.017 or later:

  • Disables the HOA override switches on Central IO modules with manufacturing date earlier than 2021-W26.

  • Does not affect the HOA override switches on Central IO modules with manufacturing date 2021-W26 or later.

  • Changes the Status LED pattern for normal operation mode on Central IO modules with HOA switches manufactured earlier than 2021-W26.

    The changed LED pattern indicates that the HOA override switches are disabled. Pour plus d'informations, voir I/O Module LEDs .

  • Changes the Model name presented in the EcoStruxure Building Operation software from “-H” to “-DH” for Central IO modules with HOA switches manufactured earlier than 2021-W26.

    The changed Model name indicates that the HOA override switches are disabled. Pour plus d'informations, voir I/O Module Properties – Basic Tab .

The manufacturing date code is part of the product serial number, which is shown in the EcoStruxure Building Operation software. Pour plus d'informations, voir I/O Module Properties – Basic Tab .

The product serial number has the following format: PPYYWWDnnnn, where PP = Plant code, YY = Year, WW = Week, D = Day of week, and nnnn = sequence number. For example, the serial number TD153437113 contains the date code 1534, which means the module was manufactured in 2015, week 34.

The product serial number is also shown on the bottom left side of the product label, which is located on the left side of the module.

  • Hardware Overview
  • I/O Modules
  • Updating I/O Module Firmware
  • I/O Module LEDs
  • Override Switches and Potentiometers
  • I/O Module Properties – Basic Tab