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产品: AS-B, Edge Server, Enterprise Central, Enterprise Server, AS-P
功能: BACnet, I/NET, Infinet, LonWorks
产品版本: 2023

Displaying a List of Downloadable Objects that Must be Synchronized in WebStation

You display a list of downloadable objects to identify objects that must be synchronized.

BACnet devices, LON devices, I/NET devices and Infinet devices that needs download are visible in the list. Log on to WorkStation to download the devices.


Diagnostics in WebStation is a method of check the health of your system. Using Diagnostics you can also resolve several issues in the system, for example unconfigured trend log and forced values. You can check the following using diagnostics in WebStation:

  • Disabled alarms

  • Offline or invalid devices

  • Objects that require uploading or downloading to be synchronized with the current configuration

  • Forced values

  • Communication issues between servers

  • Unconfigured and stopped trendlogs

  • Time and time zone settings

  • Logged in users

  • Zoning issues

To display a list of downloadable objects that must be synchronized in WebStation
  1. In WebStation, click the Workspace menu.

  2. Expand the server.

  3. Click System .

  4. In the List view, click Diagnostics .

  5. Click Downloadable .

  • Diagnostics in WebStation
  • Diagnostics Downloadable List in WebStation