One of the cornerstones of the EcoStruxure BMS is support for open standards. As a result, the RP-IO module complies with the BACnet open standard, one of the most popular standards for buildings.
The RP-IO module can natively communicate with BACnet MS/TP (RS-485) networks. When the RP-IO module is part of an EcoStruxure BMS, the BACnet protocol is used for communication between the device and its parent EcoStruxure BMS server and other BACnet devices on the MS/TP (RS-485) network, including RP and MP controllers supporting BACnet MS/TP. As a native BACnet MS/TP device, the RP-IO module supports BACnet services such as trends and alarms, and the RP-IO module can communicate with other BACnet devices on a BACnet MS/TP (RS-485) network. The RP-IO module conforms to the BACnet Application Specific Controller (B-ASC) device profile.