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Produits : AS-B, Edge Server, Device Administrator, AS-P
Fonctionnalités : Matériel, Gestion des licences
Version produit : 2024, 7.0

Return Licenses on Field Servers not Connected to Internet (FNO) Workflow

Use this workflow to return licenses on field servers that are not connected to Internet and cannot access License Activation Server (FNO).


Do not use this workflow if you are on a semi online system where the field servers are not connected to Internet, but the Device Administrator is connected to the Internet.

Pour plus d'informations, voir Semi Online System .

You need one computer running Device Administrator that is connected to Internet and can access License Activation Server (FNO).

Related information can be found in the sections after the flowchart.

action_zoom_plus_stroke Return Licenses on field servers not connected to Internet (FNO) workflow
Figure : Return Licenses on field servers not connected to Internet (FNO) workflow
Create the request files

You create request files to get a response file with activated or returned licenses from License Activation Server (FNO).

You gather, and download, the license information from the field servers. This information is used to identify the licenses that is to be reclaimed from the License Activation Server (FNO).

Pour plus d'informations, voir Creating the Request Files .

Upload request files on License Activation Server (FNO) to receive response files

You upload request files to the License Activation Server (FNO) with license information so that you can receive response files that you send to the field server.

This step must be done a computer that is connected to Internet and has access to License Activation Server (FNO).

Pour plus d'informations, voir Uploading Request Files to License Activation Server (FNO) .

Send response files to the field servers

You send the response files from License Activation Server (FNO) to the field server when you want to return licenses.

Pour plus d'informations, voir Sending the Response Files to the Selected Field Server when Returning Licenses .

Confirm return licenses on License Activation Server (FNO)

You confirm the return of licenses so that License Activation Server (FNO) can active the returned licenses again.

This step must be done a computer that is connected to Internet and has access to License Activation Server (FNO).

Pour plus d'informations, voir Confirming the Return of Licenses on the License Activation Server (FNO) .

  • Field Server Licensing Overview
  • Creating the Request Files
  • Uploading Request Files to License Activation Server (FNO)
  • Sending the Response Files to the Field Server when Activating or Reclaiming Licenses
  • Confirming the Return of Licenses on the License Activation Server (FNO)