The meter object is used to log and calculate values from a physical meter using a point, called monitored variable, in the EBO server. The monitored variable can, for example, be a Modbus point or a BACnet point.
To get correct values in the meter object, the meter value in the meter object must be configured to handle for example meter roll over.
有关更多信息,请参阅 Adjusted Meter Value .
The unit in the meter object is used for calculated consumption, logging and maximum setting for meter roll over on the physical meter. To get correct values in the meter object, the monitored variable must have the same unit as the active energy unit in the physical meter.
有关更多信息,请参阅 Meter Object Unit .
When you replace a physical meter, you need to make adjustment to the meter object that monitor the physical meter.
有关更多信息,请参阅 Meter Replacement .
Meter objects can be reset. This is typically done after you have tested a meter object configuration or when you want to restart the calculation and logging in a meter object.
有关更多信息,请参阅 Reset a Meter Object .
The meter object can take different status and modes.
有关更多信息,请参阅 Meter Status and Meter Mode .
The meter object has a built in meter log. The meter log logs the output of the meter object. A meter log can be presented in a trend chart or in a trend log list.
Use the calculation method Delta when you want to show consumption over periods in Dashboards, trend log lists and trend charts.