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Produits : AS-B, Edge Server, Enterprise Central, Enterprise Server, AS-P, Project Configuration Tool
Fonctionnalités : Sustainability
Version produit : 2024, 7.0

Adjusted Meter Value

To get correct values in the meter object, the meter value in the meter object must be configured to handle for example meter roll over.

The start value of a newly created meter objects matches the value of the monitored variable, that is, the physical meter.

You must specify the maximum value of the physical meter in the meter object that monitor the physical meter. When the physical meter rolls over, the meter object will continue to increase the value. If you keep the default value (0) in the meter object, the meter object will enter the mode Action needed when the physical meter rolls over. Pour plus d'informations, voir Meter Status and Meter Mode .

  • Meter Object
  • Meter Status and Meter Mode