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Продукты: AS-B, Edge Server, Enterprise Central, Enterprise Server, AS-P, Project Configuration Tool
Функции: Sustainability
Версия продукта: 2024

Meter Processor

arrow1_rotationMeter Processor Charts arrow1_rotationSuppressed Reduction

The meter processor object is used to process the information from one or many meter objects. Using the meter processor, you can add or subtract energy consumption from many different meter objects. A meter processor can also process information from another meter processor.

Meter Processor Charts

You can display a chart in WebStation that shows how much each connected meter object, or meter processor, contributes to the calculated result.

Более подробную информацию см. Meter Processor Charts .

Suppressed Reduction

The meter processor has a built-in mechanism to avoid negative consumption.

Более подробную информацию см. Meter Processor Suppressed Reduction .

  • Energy Consumption Overview
  • Meter Processor Charts
  • Meter Processor Suppressed Reduction
  • Creating a Meter Processor