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Produkty: WorkStation, WebStation
Funkcje: Podstawowa funkcjonalność
Wersja produktu: 2022, 2023

JavaScript Utilities

The JavaScript utility object can be used by experienced software developers to increase reuse of JavaScript files.

The script(s) are imported using the Client API importScript function.

Client API is an advanced API for experienced software developers for accessing data without the use of bindings/links in TGML graphics and is the main api to the system for the HTML utility.

A description of the API functions can be found on your server through https://youreboservername/publicweb/client_api.txt.

List is experimental and might be removed or fixed in future version.

To use the client API import it like this: <script src="/publicweb/client_api.js"></script>

  • Utilities
  • General Information Properties – Basic Tab
  • References Tab