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Produits : AS-B, Edge Server, Enterprise Central, Enterprise Server, AS-P, Project Configuration Tool
Fonctionnalités : Localisation
Version produit : 2024, 7.0

Changing a FDP Server Time Zone

You change a FDP server time zone to adjust the UTC offset according to the region where the FDP server is located.

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​The FDP server gets its date and time from the FDP panel operating system and are configured in Fire Expert. The time zone offset is configured in the FDP server using Workstation and is added to the FDP panel UTC time by the EcoStruxure Fire Operation software. The FDP panel operating system time zone settings are independent of the FDP server time zone settings.

action_zoom_plus_stroke  The FDP server uses the FDP panel operating system clock. Time zone offset and DST are added to the UTC time by the EcoStruxure Fire Operation software.
Figure : The FDP server uses the FDP panel operating system clock. Time zone offset and DST are added to the UTC time by the EcoStruxure Fire Operation software.

The FDP panel operating system clock is adjusted in Fire Expert. Pour plus d'informations, voir O1891 EcoStruxure Fire Expert Configuration Manual ..

To change a FDP server time zone
  1. In WorkStation, in the System Tree pane, expand the FDP server you want to change the time zone for.

  2. Expand System and then select Time Settings .

  3. On the Zone Info tab, change the time zone.


    If the required time zone is not predefined, you can create a custom time zone. Pour plus d'informations, voir Creating a FDP Server Custom Time Zone .

  • FDP Server Time and Time Zone Configuration
  • Creating a FDP Server Custom Time Zone