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Produkter: AS-B, Enterprise Server, AS-P, Project Configuration Tool
Funktionaliteter: Larm
Produktversion: 3.2, 3.3, 2022


arrow1_rotationNo Acknowledge arrow1_rotationSingle Acknowledge arrow1_rotationExtended Acknowledge arrow1_rotationSystem Information Alarms

​When an alarm is triggered, you acknowledge the alarm to indicate to other users that you have responded to the alarm and intend to troubleshoot the problem that caused the alarm. The name of the user that acknowledges the alarm is displayed in the Alarms pane, Events pane, Alarm Views, and Event Views.

Alarms can be configured to be acknowledged in different ways. The transition between alarm states depends on the Basic evaluation property of the alarm.

No Acknowledge

When you select the acknowledgment type No acknowledgement, the triggered alarm returns to normal state and disappears from the alarm view when the monitored variable no longer meets the criteria to trigger the alarm. You select this user action when the user only needs to see a status and does not need to take any action on the alarm, for example, to see if a space is occupied or not.

Mer information finns i No Acknowledgement .

Single Acknowledge

When you select the acknowledgment type Single acknowledgment, the user needs to acknowledge the alarm in the alarm view before the alarm returns to normal state and disappears from the alarm view.

Mer information finns i Single Acknowledgement .

Extended Acknowledge

When you select the acknowledgement type Extended acknowledgment, the user needs to acknowledge the alarm in the alarm view in reset state, before the alarm returns to normal state and disappears from the alarm view.

Mer information finns i Extended Acknowledgement .

System Information Alarms

No acknowledgement type can be set for simple system alarms. You have to acknowledge the alarm to send it back to Normal state. If you do not acknowledge the alarm, it remains in Alarm state. Mer information finns i System Alarms .

  • No Acknowledgement
  • Single Acknowledgement
  • Extended Acknowledgement
  • System Alarms
  • Alarm Functions
  • Alarm States
  • Alarms Overview
  • Configuring the Acknowledgement Type of an Alarm