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Products: AS-B, Enterprise Central, Enterprise Server, AS-P, Virtual Project Servers
Functionalities: User Management
Product version: 2022

Administration Accounts in EcoStruxure BMS Server Local Domain

arrow1_rotationAdmin Account

You can manage user accounts on a domain controller by logging on to the local domain of the EcoStruxure BMS server, using the local administrator and local reports administrator accounts.

Admin Account

Each EcoStruxure BMS server has a local administrator account, named admin. This account is preferably used to log on to the EcoStruxure BMS server the first time to create a new domain with an administration account. To manage and administrate the new domain, it is recommended that you log on to the domain with your domain administration account.

The local administrator account cannot be changed or deleted.

  • Domain Properties
  • Domains
  • User Account Management Overview