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Produits : AS-L, AS-B, Enterprise Central, Enterprise Server, AS-P, Project Configuration Tool
Fonctionnalités : Alarmes
Version produit : 2.0, 2.1, 3.0, 3.1

Alarm Control Panel Objects in Multiple Servers

In a multi-server system, you create Alarm Control Panel objects, such as checklists and actions notes, on the Enterprise Server or on the Enterprise Central.

SmartX servers that are connected to that Enterprise Server inherit Alarm Control Panel objects automatically. The copies on the connected SmartX servers are read-only, so in order to edit them you must edit their source objects on the Enterprise Server. One advantage with this is that you can display the objects and their content on the SmartX servers even if the Enterprise Server goes offline.

An Enterprise Server that is connected to the Enterprise Central will not automatically inherit alarm objects.


You need to export Alarm Control Panel objects from the child server (Enterprise Server or a SmartX server) and import them to the parent server (Enterprise Central or Enterprise Server) before you synchronize the Alarm Control Panel. During synchronization, all the Alarm Control Panel objects are erased from the child server. In particular, ensure that you secured the Alarm Control Panel of your SmartX server before adding it to the Enterprise Server. Pour plus d'informations, voir Synchronizing Alarm Control Panels .

  • Alarms Overview
  • Multi-server Systems
  • Lead and Shadow Relationship
  • Alarm Control Panel Synchronization
  • Synchronizing Alarm Control Panels