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产品: WorkStation, WebStation
功能: 基本功能, 图形
产品版本: 2024, 7.0

Changing a Value in a Graphic

You change a value in a graphic when you want a different value.


You use graphics to display building overviews, display the status of detectors and alarms, display the value of sensors, or change setpoints. A graphic can also contain links to trend charts, trend log lists, Internet sites, or views in WorkStation and WebStation.

A graphic that contain links to documents, such as Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF, can be opened in WorkStation and WebStation. The associated programs, in this case Microsoft Word or Adobe Reader, has to be installed on the computer running WorkStation or WebStation.

action_zoom_plus_stroke A Graphic with links and interactive components like gauges in WorkStation
图: A Graphic with links and interactive components like gauges in WorkStation

To change a value in a graphic
  1. In WorkStation or WebStation, click the graphic with the value you want to change.

  2. Click the value you want to change.

  3. In the Edit properties dialog box, enter the new value.

  4. Click OK .

  • How Graphics Work in Building Operation
  • Forced Values
  • Graphics Toolbar
  • Object Property Dialog Box
  • Forcing a Value
  • Forcing a Value
  • Releasing a Forced Value
  • Releasing a Forced Value