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Produkte: AS-C, AS-B, Enterprise Server, AS-P, Projekt Configuration Server, Project Configuration Tool
Funktionen: Basisfunktionalität
Produktversion: 1.8

Configuring Purge Settings on an Enterprise Server

You purge outdated backup sets to help reduce the resource constraints on an Enterprise Server. You cannot configure these settings on a SmartStruxure server device.

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An Enterprise Server stores multiple local and remote backup sets. As a result, these sets can consume much needed space on the Enterprise Server. To resolve this problem, you can configure the Enterprise Server to remove outdated backup sets.

You configure purge settings on an Enterprise Server, rather than SmartStruxure server devices. Für weitere Informationen siehe Backup and Restore Manager on the Enterprise Server .

Purge Configuration on an Enterprise Server

You can set the maximum number of local and remote backups that you want to store at a given time on the Enterprise Server. The system compares two values: the maximum number that you set for the Enterprise server and the date stamp on each stored backup. Whenever a new backup is created, the most recent backup set replaces the most outdated backup set. In other words, the system adds a file and then deletes the oldest file to maintain the maximum number that you set for the Enterprise server.

Local and Remote Purge Settings

You can manage automatic purging on an Enterprise Server by setting a maximum number of files to store. There are two purge settings:

  • Local setting for the Enterprise Server: The local setting, Number of local backup sets to store , manages the backups stored on an Enterprise Server.

  • Global setting for SmartStruxure server devices: The global setting, Number of AS backup sets to store , manages all the backups stored on the SmartStruxure server devices. You cannot configure each SmartStruxure server device separately because the global setting affects all the SmartStruxure server devices created under the Enterprise Server.

You can vary the number of local and remote backup sets that you store. For example, you can configure the system to store a maximum of five local backup sets for the Enterprise Server and two remote backup sets for each SmartStruxure server device.

Enable/Disable Automatic Purging

By default, Building Operation enables automatic purging for both local (Enterprise Server) and remote (SmartStruxure server devices) backup sets. However, you can disable this feature to ensure that all manual and scheduled backup sets are automatically stored on the Enterprise Server. Für weitere Informationen siehe Backup and Restore Manager on the Enterprise Server .

To configure purge settings on an Enterprise Server
  1. In WorkStation, on the Tools menu, click Control Panel .

  2. On the Control Panel toolbar, select the Enterprise Server.

  3. In the Backup and archiving area, click Backup and Restore Manager .

  4. In the Number of Automation Server backup sets to store box, enter the maximum number of backups that the Enterprise Server can store for each SmartStruxure server device.

  5. In the Number of local backup sets to store box, enter the maximum number of backup sets that the system can store for the Enterprise Server.

  6. Click the Save button


  • Automatic Purge of Backup Sets
  • Backup and Restore Manager on the Enterprise Server