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产品: AS-B, Edge Server, Enterprise Central, Enterprise Server, AS-P, WorkStation, Project Configuration Tool
功能: 趋势
产品版本: 2023




​In a trend chart, you can present the records of a trend log in different time zones: local time or a predefined time zone.

​A time zone is a region on the earth that has a uniform standard time, usually referred to as the local time. Local time is the UTC time plus the current time zone offset for the considered location. Some time zones also have an offset called DST added during the summer period. The DST offset is typically +1 hour.

Before you set the time zone for a trend chart, you should consider these settings:

  • Computer clock settings​

  • Regional settings

A computer clock displays time that has been set manually or by synchronizing to a time server. The computer clock time shows local time. Regional time displays the time of the selected location. Asynchronous computer clock time and regional time are not uncommon and can cause, for example, unexpected time discrepancies between time stamps on received values and the computer clock time.

​To adjust the automation server time, time zone, and DST, you have to access the automation server through a WorkStation.

Local Time

A trend chart presented in Local time displays trend logs with time stamps adjusted for the client computer time zone.

The client computer does not consider the local time of the EcoStruxure BMS server where the variable is logged. The same variable logged on EcoStruxure BMS servers in different time zones is displayed with matching time stamps for corresponding values.

action_zoom_plus_stroke Local time zone, schematic
图: Local time zone, schematic

Predefined Time Zone

A trend chart presented in a predefined time zone displays trend logs in the time of the selected time zone regardless of where the EcoStruxure BMS server is located.

The same variable logged on EcoStruxure BMS servers in different time zones are displayed with adjusted time stamps for corresponding values. Use predefined time zone when you need to compare trend logs on EcoStruxure BMS servers located in different time zones.​

action_zoom_plus_stroke Predefined time zone, schematic
图: Predefined time zone, schematic

  1. 在 WorkStation 的 系统树 窗格,选择想要配置的趋势图。

  2. 在趋势图视图中的工具栏上,点击 打开趋势图设置 按钮


  3. 趋势图表设置 对话框的 时区 框中,选择要在其中显示趋势图时间戳的时区:

    • 选择 本地 时间 可通过客户端实时时间显示时间戳。

    • 选择预定义时区可通过所选择时区的实时时间显示时间戳。

  4. 点击 确定

X 轴现在会根据所选的时区进行设置。

  • Time Zone Modes in a Trend Chart
  • 趋势图事件图标
  • Trend Chart Settings Dialog Box – Axes Tab