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Produkte: AS-C, AS-B, Enterprise Server, AS-P, Projekt Configuration Server, Project Configuration Tool
Funktionen: Trends
Produktversion: 1.8

Configuring the Trend Log List Time Zone

You change the time zone to display time stamps in the trend log in UTC or in the perspective of the client or SmartStruxure server. By changing the time zone settings you make it easier to interpret the time stamp.

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​In a trend log list, you can present the records of a trend log in different time zones: local time zone, SmartStruxure server time zone, and UTC time zone.

Local Time Zone

Use local time zone to display the trend logs in real time from the perspective of the client.

For example, a trend log in Moscow is monitored on a client in Tbilisi. The trend log is recording at 8:00-13:00 local server time. 13:00 Moscow time is 14:00 Tbilisi time, so the Tiblisi trend log displays 9:00-14:00 in the client trend log list.

action_zoom_plus_stroke Trend log list displayed on a client with local time zone.
Abbildung: Trend log list displayed on a client with local time zone.

Server Time Zone

Use server time zone to display in real time from the perspective of the SmartStruxure server.

For example, a trend log in Moscow is monitored on a client in Tbilisi. The trend log is recording at 8:00-13:00 local server time and this is how it is displayed in the client trend log list.

action_zoom_plus_stroke Trend log list displayed on a client with server time zone.
Abbildung: Trend log list displayed on a client with server time zone.

UTC Time Zone

Use UTC time zone to display the trend logs in the perspective of UTC.

For example, a trend log in Moscow is monitored on a client in Tbilisi. The trend log is recording at 8:00-13:00 local server time. 8:00 Moscow time is 5:00 UTC time, so the Tiblisi displays 5:00-10:00 in the trend log list.

action_zoom_plus_stroke Trend log list displayed on a client with UTC time zone.
Abbildung: Trend log list displayed on a client with UTC time zone.

To configure the trend log list time zone
  1. In WorkStation, in the System Tree pane, select the trend log list you want to configure.

  2. On the Trend log list toolbar, click the Open trend log list settings button


  3. In the Time zone box, select a time zone to display the trend log list time stamps in:

    • Select Local to display the time stamps in real time from the perspective of the client.

    • Select Server to display the time stamps in real time from the perspective of the SmartStruxure server.

    • Select UTC to display the time stamps in the real time in the perspective of UTC.

  4. Click OK .

The records in the trend log are now displayed in the selected time zone mode.

  • Time Zone Modes in a Trend Log List
  • Configuring a Trend Log List
  • Trend Log List Properties
  • Trend Log List View