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Explicación de procesos

Explicación de procesos

Productos AS-L, AS-B, Enterprise Central, Enterprise Server, AS-P, Project Configuration Tool
Funcionalidades: Funcionalidad básica
Versión del producto: 2.0, 2.1, 3.0, 3.1

Saving a SmartX Server Backup Set to Another Location

You save a backup set from a SmartX server to another location so you can store the backup set on, for example, a network drive or a USB memory.

To save a SmartX server backup set to another location
  1. In WorkStation, on the Tools menu, click Control Panel .

  2. On the Control Panel toolbar, select the EcoStruxure BMS server.

  3. Click Backup Sets .

  4. In the List View , open the Local folder for a SmartX server or the AS Archives folder for an Enterprise Server.

  5. If connected to the Enterprise Server, open the SmartX server folder that contains the backup set.

  6. Select the backup set that you want to save to a different location.

  7. On the Actions menu, click Save To .

  8. In the Save As dialog box, enter a storage location and click Save .

  9. Click Close .

  • Backup Sets
  • Control Panel Tab
  • Backup Sets View
  • No Restore Files Display After Backup
  • Importing a Backup Set to SmartX Server
  • Renamed SmartX Server Makes Backup Sets Unavailable
  • Cannot Save a Backup File using WorkStation