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产品: WebReports
功能: 报告
产品版本: 2.0, 2.1, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3

Creating a Monthly Report Schedule

You create a monthly report schedule when you want the schedule to run a report on a monthly basis on the first or last day of the month, or on both the first and last day of the month at a specified time.




在报表树中,仪表板报告通过报告名称旁边的红点标识。WorkStation 的系统树窗格中的仪表板报告旁不会显示该图标。

action_zoom_plus_stroke 报告树中的仪表板报告
图: 报告树中的仪表板报告


您可以使用 WebReports 仪表板选项在 WorkStation 和 Web 浏览器中创建仪表板报告。当您想要在每次运行报告时创建使用相同过滤条件的报告时,选择该选项。例如,假设您希望使用固定日期范围来处理报警报告,例如周到日。创建报告时,您可以输入固定日期范围,然后将报表另存为仪表板报告。下次运行报告时,报告处理将使用固定日期范围作为过滤条件。您不需要重新输入日期范围来过滤报告输出。

如要在 WorkStation 中生成和查看仪表板报告,您可以在系统树窗格中的报告文件夹中选择报告。

action_zoom_plus_stroke WorkStation 中的仪表板报告
图: WorkStation 中的仪表板报告


如要在 Web 浏览器中生成和查看仪表板报告,请登录到 WebReports 网站,然后在报告树中选择报告。

action_zoom_plus_stroke Web 浏览器中的仪表板报告
图: Web 浏览器中的仪表板报告

选择报告后,报告输出显示在 Web 浏览器中。您不需要输入任何过滤条件或点击运行报告按钮来生成输出。


当您想要使用 WebReports 时间表并运行指定日期的报告时,还可以创建仪表板报告。

action_zoom_plus_stroke WebReport 时间表
图: WebReport 时间表

To create a monthly report schedule
  1. In WebReports, on the menu bar, click Schedules .

  2. In the Select existing schedule box, select New Schedule .

  3. In the Report schedule name box, type a name for the schedule.

  4. In the Schedule description box, type a description for the schedule.

  5. In the Select a dashboard report box, select the dashboard report that you want to schedule.

  6. In the Frequency box, select Monthly .

  7. In the Start schedule box, enter the date and time to activate the schedule.

  8. Select the First box to make the schedule run on the first day of every month.

  9. Select the Last box to make the schedule run on the last day of every month.

  10. In the Report output format box, select the file format to be used when the report is generated.

  11. In the Report output destination box, type the directory path for the report output.


    The report is written to the specified destination using the System account of the Reports Server. If you plan to save scheduled reports to a network drive, ensure that the System account has write access to the network drive.

  12. Select the Overwrite prior report output box to keep only the most current copy of the report output.

  13. Select the Disable schedule box to disable the schedule when not used.

  14. Click Save .

  • 仪表板报告
  • Schedules for Dashboard Reports
  • Report Schedule Frequency
  • Schedule Reports Page