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产品: AS-B, Edge Server, Enterprise Central, Enterprise Server, AS-P, WorkStation, Project Configuration Tool
功能: 趋势
产品版本: 2024, 7.0

Creating a Real-Time Plot Trend Chart

You create a real-time plot trend chart to display a variable in real time.


The real-time plot is a variable displayed directly in the trend chart. The real-time plot is an instant reflection of the variable, so the history of the real-time plot is lost when the trend chart is closed. However, the history is not lost for I/O points that have implicit logs where approximately 500 records of history are displayed.

action_zoom_plus_stroke Real-time plot, schematic
图: Real-time plot, schematic

A real-time plot trend chart updates and draws a solid series each time it registers that the variable has a new value. If the variable remains on the same value, the series is drawn as a dotted line.

When you save a real-time plot trend chart, a trend chart object is created that you can reach from the System Tree pane.

  • A real-time plot can only be displayed in a trend chart and not in a trend log list.

To create a real-time plot trend chart
  1. In WorkStation, in the System Tree pane, select the variable you want to display in a real-time plot trend chart.

  2. On the Actions menu, point to View and then click New Trend chart.

  3. Click the Save button


  4. Browse to where you want to save the real-time plot trend chart.

  5. Click Save .

By saving the real-time plot trend chart, a trend chart object is created in the System Tree pane.

  • Real-Time Plotting
  • Trend Chart View
  • Saving the Trend Chart Settings